Training Materials


Presentation of the outcomes of the pilot SER

Presentation of ARQATA project

Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms: ANQA’s role in transitional period

Employer - University Cooperation within the Frames of Quality Assurance

Writing of self-assessment report

Development and Integration of Internal Quality Assurance Systems

Students’ Role in the Internal Quality Assurance Processes

Closing note

Quality Assurance: An external obligation or An Institutional Need

Recognition and Mutual Recognition of Quality Assurance Results

A Glance at ANQA State of Arts: reflections of an ENQA expert

Reflections of Expert Panel Members on the ANQA Approaches to Accreditation

Reflections of Higher Education administrative staff on the ANQA Approaches to Accreditation

The characteristics of Higher education system in Armenia: survey among students

Transition from quality control to quality enhancement: challenges for tertiary level institutions

Quality Assurance: System wide analysis

Training HEI in IQA Implementation: quality enhancement on programme level

Education Quality Assurance Plan: Delft University of Technology

Education Quality Assurance Plan: TU Delft (annex)

Institutional audit TU Delft

Training HEI on EQA: organisation of an institutional audit

Kolb's learning styles: handout

Dealing with training difficulties: handout

The training cycle: handout

Study Tour in Switzerland

Accreditation and Quality assurance in Switzerland

Swiss public higher education and research system

How do international activities contribute to QA The view of the OAQ

Accreditation Procedure

Academic accreditation in Switzerland

Programme evaluation: guide for the attention of the external experts

Evaluation of faculties:concept summary

Evaluation of degree programs: Self-Evaluation Framework

Summary of the concept of evaluation of degree programs

Evaluation of faculties: Self-evaluation of faculties outline

Degree program evaluation

Evaluation of faculties and central units

Pedagogical Work at EPFL

The Evaluation Process at the University of Zurich

Introduction to the University of Zurich (UZH) and its Tools of Quality Management

Study tour in the Netherlands and Flanders

Composition of the assessment panel

Checklist limited programme assessment

Checklist site visits

Report on the bachelor’s programme and the master’s programme (template)

Utrecht University,quality assurance

Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Flanders

Self-Evaluation Report, Study Programme: Bachelor & Master in Engineering Science

Visit Minutes of the Secretary During Interviews

Motivation of the scores on 2.2 and 4.1 by the Assessment Panel

Quality Assurance in Flemish Higher Education

Introduction to macro-efficiency

Training HEI on IQA – Self-Evaluation Report

Good practice IQA related to Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle

Evaluation matrix

Procedure evaluation instrument

Instruction for the workshop: Evaluation matrix and Procedure evaluation instrument Organization: Three

Glossary QA: standards, principles & criteria- part 1

Glossary QA: assessment & evaluation- part 2

Instruction for the workshop

Elaboration of the Armenian accreditation standards for criterium V. Faculty and Staff (ANQA accreditation manual); relation between the institutional and the program level

IQA, role of the stakeholders

Elaboration of the Armenian accreditation standards for criterium III. Academic programs (ANQA accreditation manual); relation with the TLI’s mission and purpose Assignments

Glossary QA: Stakeholders- part 3

A SER in 10 Steps

ASSIGNMENT HEI: Strategic plan

Writing SER

Assignment Writing SER

Training of students

Role of the student in Quality Assurance

Analytical skills for students

Asking questions as a tool

Review of the Self Evaluation Reports (SERs) of Armenian Tertiary Level Institutes

Chatham University: a critical reflection

Training Secretaries / coordinators of ANQA on writing HEI quality audit reports

Assignment: Draft Accreditation Report Amsterdam University

Training Secretaries / Coordinators ANQA on writing HEI quality audit reports